It’s really important to have a clear idea of what your objectives are. You have to be a mature person. You have to communicate clearly. You should not lie. You should not hide the ball. You should not engage in any kind of deceptive shit. You’re not looking for a lover. You’re definitely not looking for a girlfriend or a wife. Least of all, you’re not looking for a mother figure. You’re looking for somebody to have a good time with physically, a sex match. Leave it at that level.
The moment you try to put any unforeseen complication or some sort of expectation into adult dating is the moment it becomes disappointing. In fact, it quickly transitions from mere disappointment to a nightmare. You don’t want that to happen.
It’s not about you
Again, this might seem like it’s a repeat of the first point but no, it’s much deeper. You have to understand that adult dating is really not about you. It’s not about your needs because if you are to be successful with adult dating then you would focus on somebody else’s needs first. If you’re able to do that, you’d be able to get laid time and time again. That’s how it works.
Guys who are able to fuck a lot of chicks are very quickly in a short period of time know how the game works. It’s all about pleasing other people. Unfortunately, most guys are out to please themselves. I’m telling you, if that’s your agenda, you might as well jerk off because you have to step out of your shell.
You have to make an effort to practice empathy so you can properly read the need of the women that you’re trying to impress and communicate with them in such a way that you make them comfortable. That’ how the game works.

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