OBC sites, of course, refer to online booty call sites. These are sites that supposedly hook you up with booty calls. What is a booty call? Well, it’s a chick showing up at a specific place and at a specific time with one specific goal: to fuck you.
That’s it. No emotional strings, no drama, no past boyfriend trauma, none of that bullshit. She’s looking for something, you’re looking for something, you do the deal, both of you walk away, and everybody is happy. Well, at least that’s what OBC sites promise.
Unfortunately, we live in a fallen and problematic world. There are many things that look good on paper that, when actually implemented, turn out to be quite problematic. In fact, I would take the several steps further and just call it for what it is. It can be a major cluster fuck. Seriously. It can fuck with your head.
You might be thinking, what the fuck do I have to lose joining OBC sites? I mean, hey, doesn’t the typical single guy deserve to get his dick sucked? Well, that’s what you’re thinking, but when you join these types of websites, in many cases, you end up getting bent over and fucked. Now, I’m not talking literally, I’m talking figuratively.
Ask yourself this question, what is my most important asset? What is the most expensive personal resource? Well, the answer should be pretty straightforward. The answer is your time.
Think about this for a second. If you invested your time in your finances, you probably would end up making a lot more money or end up being worth more in the future. Now, if you invested time in your intellectual pursuits, you can be a smarter and wiser person, which can lead to you making more money, or at the very least, become a more interesting person to talk to. If you invested your time in working out at the gym, you’d look better, you’d lose that fat gut, and you’d feel better about yourself.
My whole point is that time is so precious because it can be turned into so many different things. Money, on the other hand, is very limited as far as what it can be turned into. That’s why you have to guard your time. And most OBC sites flat out suck because they take so much of your time.
You go to these websites and you go through the effort of filling out a profile, doing some searches, sending out some messages, and then you wait. And wait. And wait. In fact, you can continue to wait forever and have shit to show for it. No joke. That’s how bad these websites could be.
So why do they suck? Why are most of them worth less than the steam rising out of dog shit? Very simple.
Cookie Cutter Approach
One main reason is that most of these sites look like they’re basically clones of each other. It’s as if some dude took a template and then just cranked out thousands of OBC sites. I know it sounds crazy, but you’re probably thinking, why the fuck would anybody do that? Don’t they know that originality matters?
Well, you have to remember that a lot of OBC sites out there are actually owned by a relatively few networks of companies. These companies don’t really care whether they deliver pussy or not. All they care about is that the guys who find themselves there would keep clicking page after page and profile after profile until somehow, some way, they end up clicking on an ad and guess what? Somebody makes money. Do you see how this works?
So fuck cookie cutter sites. If you see that this website looks exactly like the previous site, fuck both of them and look for a more original site.
Not Enough Members
Another reason why OBC sites suck is that when you look at the database of chicks that are available, there are none. Now, don’t get me wrong. It looks like there a lot of chicks there, but when you look at their recent activity, a lot of these women haven’t logged on for a long time.
Also, when you look at the pictures of the profiles, you would notice an interesting pattern. A certain percentage of the typical OBC site’s female database features pictures of celebrities or porn stars. This is a red flag. The moment you see this is the moment you realize that these websites don’t really have that many real female members.
Weak Communication Platform
Beware of OBC sites that essentially try to charge you money if you are lucky enough to find a real female member and try to talk to her. If you notice that you have to jump through many hoops just to message a chick, chances are, you’re dealing with an OBC site that is trying to fuck you for money.
So do yourself a big favor and get the hell out of those websites and focus your time, effort and energy on sites that have a higher likelihood of delivering what you’re looking for. Follow this link if you’re serious about a booty call

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